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Planning Board Minutes 06/15/07 Greenwood Subdivision Site Walk

Minutes of the June 15, 2007 Board Meeting – Site Walk – Greenwood Subdivision

Members & Staff Present:                                        
Bob Edwards                             Bradley Houseworth                      Joseph Koziell          
Brian Sawich                            Stephen Schacht                         Alex Snow                       
Members and Staff Absent:       
Mary Allen                              Scott Burnside                  Andrew Robblee  
Chris Stephenson                        Kathi Wasserloos                                  

Public Attendees:               
Mark Beausoleil                 Bill Greenwood          Gayle B. Rochford, LLS  

Greenwood, Linda D. & William C.; File # 2007-04PB; Minor Subdivision:  Mr. Edwards opened the public site walk meeting at the intersection of Ashley Road and Elm Avenue at 5:00 PM on the request of William C. & Linda D. Greenwood for a minor subdivision of property located at 192 Elm Avenue, Antrim NH (Tax Map 214, Lot 001) in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to divide the property into three (3) lots.  Chairman Sawich asked Ms. Rochford and Mr. Greenwood to lead the group on the site walk.  

Ms. Rochford pointed out to the group the two culverts that are shown on the plan; one in front of the Cooks’ residence and one that lies just south of Ashley Road.  Mr. Koziell noted that the culvert in front of the Cooks’ house was filled with silt and sand and it appeared that someone tried to block it with large rocks or boulders.  Ms. Rochford led the group north along Elm Avenue, walking along the frontage for the proposed two (2) new lots, and pointed out the approximate proposed locations of the driveways.  In regards to the proposed driveway for the middle lot (Map 7, Lot 5.3), Ms. Rochford explained that she is proposing that the driveway come off Elm Ave. just south of a large boulder outcrop on the property, curving around the boulder and heading in a northwest direction.  She explained that some fill would need to be brought in to make it more level but the driveway should have a four (4%) percent negative grade to prevent runoff from flowing off the driveway and into Elm Ave.  She stated that this driveway location would provide adequate line of sight for vehicles entering and exiting off Elm Ave.  Mr. Koziell pointed out that the area where the driveway is proposed looked rather wet and wondered if it was in fact considered to be a wetland; Ms. Rochford said it was not.

Mr. Edwards asked Ms. Rochford to show the group where she proposed the 4,000 sq. ft. septic area to be for the middle lot (Map 7, Lot 5.3); which she did, stating that it will start just north of the proposed driveway, wrap around the existing boulder outcrop and expand north and west of the test pit.  Ms. Rochford lead the group to the northeastern most corner of the middle lot, pointed out the corner boundary flag, and then lead the group to the test pit that was dug for the middle lot.  She pointed out the approximate location where the house could be sited, between the stone wall running north and south on the plan and the proposed 4,000 sq. ft. septic area, and explained that this area had good soils.  She stated that the house could also have a walk-out basement, to better fit the topography and location of the driveway.
Ms. Rochford led the group in a southeasterly direction from the test pit of the middle lot towards the southeast corner pin of the lot, pointing out the wetlands that run parallel and alongside of the stone wall running north and south on the plan.  She led the group through the proposed front yard setback area of the middle lot, pointed out the approximate location of the southeast corner pin of the lot, and the approximate location of the proposed driveway for the back lot, just north of the recently upgraded culvert across Elm Avenue.  Several Board members commented on the visual drainage patterns present on the forest floor due to the runoff coming from the recently upgraded culvert.  Chairman Sawich stated that it seemed that an additional culvert would need to be put in place with the new proposed driveway to help facilitate the drainage of the stormwater runoff from Ashley Road and Elm Avenue.  

Mr. Beausoleil pointed out his house lot, the approximate location of his northern boundary line, and commented on how wet this area of the lot gets, often flooding into his front yard.  He expressed concerns about how they propose to handle the drainage issues when fill will be brought in to construct the new driveway and commented on how much standing water is present in the old logging road.  

Ms. Rochford led the group along the proposed southern boundary line of the middle lot, near the old logging road, and headed towards the southwest corner of the lot.  Mr. Edwards asked why all of the stonewalls on the property were not shown on the plan, Ms. Rochford explained that she couldn’t get good lines of sight on all of the interior walls and they aren’t related to the existing or proposed property lines.  She also pointed out the existing ridge which runs parallel to the southern property line of the back lot, explaining that the idea is to keep the proposed driveway of the back lot along the top of the ridge until it reaches the proposed house site area.  

Ms. Rochford led the group to the southwest corner of the middle lot and pointed out where the proposed driveway for the back lot would turn north and head through the Town’s twenty five (25’) foot wetland buffer zone, towards the proposed house site area.  Several Board members commented on how saturated and wet the ground was along the southern boundary line of the middle lot and how much standing water was present in the existing, old logging road.  Mr. Edwards asked Ms. Rochford if they area they just walked through, near the old logging road, is a wetland, she replied that it is not and it is part of the drainage ditch that is shown on the plan.  Chairman Sawich expressed concerns about the area not being delineated as a wetland because it was very wet and it seemed like they were standing in a swamp.  Ms. Rochford explained that the wetlands were delineated by the three basic criteria, which they must meet all three, consisting of: vegetation indicative of wetlands, hydrological features, and hydric soils.

Ms. Rochford led the group in a northwesterly direction along the proposed driveway ridge for the back lot, towards the test pit area, pointing out along the way where the proposed driveway would encroach into the Town’s twenty five (25’) foot wetland buffer area and where they would need to obtain a Special Use Permit from the Board.  Mr. Edwards commented on how the area delineated as a wetland seemed drier than the areas the group just walked through that were not delineated as wetlands and stated that he hopes the Conservation Commission will have a chance to see the site and provide their input.  Mr. Houseworth pointed out that the Board could always require that another certified wetland scientist delineate the wetlands in order to confirm their locations and boundaries.
Ms. Rochford led the group to the area where the test pit was dug for the proposed septic system for the back lot and the approximate locations where the house could be sited, east of Cochrane Brook, on one of the many upland knolls that are present.  Mr. Edwards inquired about the general USDA soil types present on the lot and wondered if they are good soils for leaching.  Ms. Rochford led the group towards the proposed northern boundary of the middle lot, pointing out to the group the various proposed property line flags for the southern boundary of the existing house lot, and the various areas that were flagged and delineated as wetlands.  The group continued along the proposed northern property boundary of the middle lot and returned to the place of beginning, where the driveway is proposed for the middle lot.  Mr. Snow commented that it doesn’t seem that there is a lot of room in the middle lot to actually site a house; the only area being on a slight slope in between the wetlands and the front yard setback area.  

Chairman Sawich asked the group if anyone had any other additional questions; there were none.  Chairman Sawich adjourned the meeting at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth,
Town Planner & Secretary of the Antrim Planning Board